The Root has published a review of Gillian Laub's upcoming documentary Southern Rites.
John Legend was recently on The Daily Show with John Stewert talking about Gillian Laub's upcoming documentary Southern Rites.
American Illustration, American Photography has posted an interview with Gillian Laub.
The New York Times has posted a highlights video of Gillian Laub and John Legend talking about their film Southern Rites during last week's Times Talks series.
The Photo District News has featued Gillian Laub's Souther Rites on their PDN Photo of the Day.
Lens Culture Magazine has published an article on Karine Laval's Poolscapes series.
The Daily Beast has published an article on Gillian Laub and her upcoming HBO documentary Southern Rites.
The Village Voice has published an article on Gillian Laub and her upcoming HBO documentary Southern Rites.